
NQS Settings


Generate settings by specifying values for non-default fields. Parsed with Parameters.jl.


  • modelname::String: name of model (see src/weights.jl).
  • test_iter::Int: Number of independent consecutive Carleo/Troyer runs.
  • repetitions::Int: Number of wavefunction optimizations.
  • n::Int: Number of visible neurons.
  • α::Int: Hidden unit density (No. hidden / No. visible).
  • γ_init::Float: Learning parameter (default: 0.05).
  • γ_decay::Float: Decay of learning parameter (default: 1.0).
  • mc_trials::Int: Number of variational derivatives PER repetition PER CPU.
  • mc_steps::Int: Number of MH steps per sample (default: n).
  • regulator::Float: Regularization parameter of the S-matrix.
  • init_therm_steps::Int: Burn-in steps on first repetition.
  • therm_steps::Int: Burn-in on other repetitions.
  • nflips::Int: Number of flips to be performed per mc_trial (default: 1).
  • pbc::Bool: Periodic boundary conditions for lattice (default: true).
  • mag0::Bool: Sample only in sector ∑s_z = 0 (default: false).
  • mfree::Bool: Matrix-free inversion (default: true). Overridden to false. when iterative_inverse = false.
  • iterative_inverse::Bool: Invert S-matrix iteratively (default: true). Assumed true when mfree = true.
  • calc_stat::Bool: Calculate single-site statistics and correlations after last repetition.
  • stat_samples::Int: No. of samples PER CPU for statistics calculation.
  • save_figures::Bool: Save statistics in figure (default: true).
  • writetofile::Bool: Write optimized NQS parameters, energy[, statistics] to a file.
  • use_meter::Bool: Use a ProgressMeter bar to visualize progress (default: true).


julia> NetSettings = NETSETTINGS(
         modelname = "U_afh",
         repetitions =1000,
         n = 6,
         α = 3,
         mc_trials = 500,
         init_therm_steps = 100,
         therm_steps = 50,
         stat_samples = 2000)
modelname: String "U_afh"
test_iter: Int64 1
repetitions: Int64 1000
n: Int64 6
α: Int64 3
m: Int64 18
dim_rbm: Int64 132
γ_init: Float64 0.05
γ_decay: Float64 1.0
mc_trials: Int64 500
mc_steps: Int64 6
regulator: Float64 0.1
init_therm_steps: Int64 100
therm_steps: Int64 50
nflips: Int64 1
pbc: Bool true
mag0: Bool false
mfree: Bool true
iterative_inverse: Bool true
calc_stat: Bool true
stat_samples: Int64 5000
save_figures: Bool true
writetofile: Bool true
use_meter: Bool true
